Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Swear Words and Prayers

I love words. Big fat juicy ones. Little tiny bony ones. Dirty words, holy word, dark threatening stormy words. I love long, complicated, ego-stroking words and fanciful words that exist only to serve the needs of children.

I adore the shape and taste and feel of new words. The 'nice-to-meet-you' birth of a word, just learned, taking its first steps, off the tongue and into the world.

I am particularly fond of profanity. The secret weapon of words. The sweet sticky sounds that can hold an entire conversation hostage. The hard-charged F of recrimination or the soft fluttering f of an invitation. 

My favorite, though, is the discovery of a word whose materiality is so organic that a gentle nudge can send it floating like a dandelion on the current of a conversation. A word so sweet as to be missed the instant it is spoken.

Today's word: Murmuration - A flock of starlings is called a murmuration.