Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Something Like It

or something very like it. 
We could just as easily
call it grief
or daybreak.
For the sake of our story,
we'll call it waking up
early on Sunday.
Eggs over easy.
Please walk the dog.
Or something very like it.
Who boasts victory
with every coin toss.
Who measures time
in lost socks and found pennies.
Who speaks several languages.
Who brags and struts on rainy days.
Or something very like it.
Who lives in the cracks in driveways.
and dies in notes left yellowing in gloveboxes.
For the sake of our story
we'll call it hunger
or tiny droplets of water
like little hats on jumping spiders.
And in between the weeds and notes
we'll call it love,
or something very like it.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Short of It

Hello Darlings,

This week I was lucky enough to be featured on a lovely site, I Write Her. The theme, The Short of It, features short prose and poetry. I discovered, after reading many of the authors on the site, that I am in very good company. Of course, Susi Bocks sets the atmosphere with her own amazing writing. I'm so very happy to be featured and look forward to reading all the pieces that follow.

Below is the link to my poems and prose but please, don't stop with me. Take a few minutes to wander around and enjoy the scenery. You'll thank me later. 

The Short of It / I Write Her 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Dangerous Coats

Someone clever once said

Women were not allowed pockets

In case they carried leaflets

To spread sedition

Which means unrest

To you & me

A grandiose word

For commonsense




So ladies, start sewing

Dangerous coats

Made of pockets & sedition.

Dangerous Coats

-Sharon Owens

Monday, August 10, 2020

Four Degrees of Separation

 I waited on Frank Serpico at a farm store in NY 

who worked with Al Pacino to make the film Serpico 

who worked with Robert DiNiro in The Irishman 

who worked with Kevin Bacon in Sleepers.

Tah Dah... four degress of separation. 

Love is an outlaw

 “Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won't adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet. 

~Tom Robbins

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Truth is a slippery little creature. One minute, it's staring you straight in the eyes, daring you to blink. The next minute, it's left tiny tracks in the dust across your nightstand, creeping out of sight while you were sleeping. That, my darling, is the way truth operates - Sometimes uncomfortable and demanding. Sometimes elusive and hard to find. Always there, but rarely easy to hold onto.